
ID: SM-000192562
CompositorMuhammad Muhsin
Gênero Clássico / Música de Câmara
chave Ré (D) maior
Instrumentação Piano, Violino
Composição paraSolo, Piano de Acompanhamento
Tipo de composiçãoScore for two performers
duração 3'0"
dificuldade Easy
descripção A carousel is a musical amusement ride for
everyone, enjoyed by children around the world.
The music is a vivaciousallegro; yet it ends with subdued wistfulness: as the
child waves the carousel goodbye for the day.
Through this piece I would like to to spread the
message that rights of every child must be realized.
Millions of children worldwide are subjected to
violence, exploitation and abuse including the worst
forms of child labor in communities, schools and
institutions.We should all advocate for measures to
give children the best start in life.
data de postagem 13.10.2013


Arquivo de partitura musica incluindo uma licença para um número ilimitado de apresentaçoes, limitado por um ano
3.00 USD
PDF, 252.5 Kb (7 p.)


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